Jessica is a fantastic torso-sex doll with k-cup from known Piper Doll with a unique lovely style. This doll's appearance is influenced by the character Jessica Rabbit from the classic movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". Jessica has a perfect face with magic eyes and big beautiful lips, along with a stately body with perfect curves and large well-shaped breasts that make her a unique torso-sex doll world -class. Available in stock For fast delivery!
Weight: 24 kg
Skin color: White
Hair color: Red (optional)
Eye color: Yellow (optional)
Breast size: Extra large (k-cup, 89.7 cm)
Waist/Hip: 45 cm / 84 cm
Openings: Vagina, anal, mouth
Material: S-TPE (extra soft) with metal skeleton
Accessories: Wig, comb, hook, manual, bikini (white) Authorized partner and official distributor for : Piper Doll in Sweden, the offer of preferential prices to our Swedish and Nordic customers on their six-dolls. We've got a lot of dolls in stock for fast delivery and a lot of employees in our showroom.
Piper Doll' s dolls perceive by always having body and head completely placed together ; therefore, they have no cheers on their necks.
TPE 60 docksPiper Doll always has the following premium characteristics :